Senior Committee and Club

This exciting club was founded in July of 1973 and has been growing ever since with many new members coming from the Carriage Club, Ridgeview, Pennington/Nolan’s Ridge residences. We hold our fun-filled meetings the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at the Lake Hopatcong Elks Lodge, 201 Howard Boulevard, Mount Arlington.  Our meetings begin at 1:00 P.M.

The meeting consists of a business portion, an occasional speaker or bingo, followed by refreshments.

Some activities include:

Monthly Bus Trips:  Beginning in January, monthly trips are scheduled and run until December.

Mini Excursions:  Trips to restaurants or shows close to home.  Trips are coordinated by Madeline Walrod & Helen Barrett.

Join the Mount Arlington Seniors!

Call Our Membership Secretary

Ruth Moore— 973-234-5729